Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy (late) Father's Day......

This Father's Day was a really good one! I feel bad that I am writing this post late, but it has been a busy couple of days! I was so excited to give Ron a father's day card that said it was from Karsen and I. Such a simple thing, but I was excited! I am very grateful for all of the wonderful fathers in my life. I love my Dad so much and I am grateful for all that he does for me. I love all the things that he has taught me. I can't remember my dad ever yelling at me. He has always had a very calm voice and I don't think I yell because I never saw it done. My dad always gives me good advice and he always makes me laugh! Some of my favorite memories with my Dad are when he was trying to get us to clean and we were not cleaning where he wanted us to. There was a wall that separated the kitchen from the living room and he was trying to tell us that we needed to clean on top of the wall. He showed us how is was done and climbed up with his bucket of soapy water and put the bucket on top of the wall. He didn't know the wall was only about 4 inches wide and he ended up dumping the water over the wall onto the couch. It was hilarious! One of my other favorite memories was on one my dad's birthday. He always bought the strawberry boston cake for birthdays and we were sitting on his water bed getting ready to eat our cake when my brother jumped up and sat on the water bed so it made the bed sway like a wave. My dad ended up getting pushed forward and his cake went flying off the plate right into his shoe. It was also hilarious! I loved going fishing with just my dad and I and all of our one on one time.
Now my cute husband! Ron will be the greatest father! He is so cute with all of our nieces, nephews, and neighbor kids. I love him so much! He loves to be around kids and all of our neighbor kids think he is their older brother:) I am so excited for Ron to be the greatest dad to Karsen. He is so patient and loves to have fun. The other day, he held someone's baby all through sacrament and I was quite impressed. He is ready to be a daddy:)

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