Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy 3 months old Reese...

I can't believe our baby girl is 3 months old. 3 months old, 8 1/2 lbs and about 19 inches long. I never thought I could be so happy, but it amazes me everyday how each day brings new joy and excitement. It seems that there was a hole in my heart for a long time and Reese has filled that emptiness and I just want to help others feel the way I feel now. I was reading Reese's baby calendar yesterday and remembered the first day that I was able to call the nurses at the hospital. I was so excited to call each day and get an update on Reese. The first day I called the NICU was on April 4th. Reese weighed 2lbs 6oz and the nurse told me that Reese was "ready to take on the world". I thought this was so cute, but didn't realize what she really meant. I always tell Ron that Reese came early because she wanted to come to her Mom. Anyway, the nurses would tell me how Reese would need to eat a certain amount from a bottle and then she could get her NG tube out and it seemed like the next day she would do it. They would tell me how they started her on a bottle and the next thing they knew, she was drinking the whole thing. The nurses would tell me that she needed to maintain her temperature outside of the crib for 24 hours and the next day she would do it.

I also tell Ron that she would meet all of these requirement so quickly because she wanted to come home with me. I truly believe it! Reese just continues to amaze me. She is such a miracle baby and is healthy as can be. She is so incredibly strong and I am starting to understand what the nurse meant when they said, "She is ready to take on the world." Reese is definitely a determined little baby and whatever comes her way, she overcomes it. I learn so much from her and her love for life. I think of what a fighter Reese has been in the early weeks of her life and now, how she continues to overcome every obstacle that comes at her.

Ron and I were reading in the "What to expect the first year" book and it was saying how we should mark Reese's progress according to her gestational age, which would be 3 weeks old. Anyway, Reese has rolled over before, but we thought it was some fluke thing, but yesterday, she rolled over 8 times. She is not supposed to be able to do that until month 3 or 4. I don't think it is a fluke thing anymore. She is a pro! She is so incredibly strong. She can lift herself up to a 90 degree angle while on her tummy, she can respond to Ron and my voice, she rolls over, she can bear her weight while standing ( of course I hold her steady:) I can't remember all the things we were checking off, but we are amazed at her strength. She constantly is aware of her surroundings and seems to learn something new everyday.

A lot of people assume something is wrong with her because of her prematurity, but it is a miracle at just how healthy she is. I love her chubby cheeks! She is eating like a champ and sleeping so soundly.

I have to say that I never could have imagined that so many of my prayers would be answered by Reese coming into our family. She changes me everyday! Helping me to be more selfless and loving. The first time I saw Reese, I thought her eyes were the purest things I have ever seen and they have not dimmed one bit. I never want that light to go out of her eyes, but help her always have a love of life and the love of Christ in her heart. I had prayed so many nights for our baby to come into our family, but I never thought I would enjoy motherhood so much. One thing that I didn't expect is that I am that one thing that Reese wants. I am the one that she is looking for to comfort her, I am the one that she wants to hold her hand when she has a procedure done or talk to her when she is scared. It is such an amazing feeling to be the comfort my little precious baby is looking for. It is humbling and yet the best feeling in the world. I guess that is what it means to be a mom. It's not that I'm just a mom, but I'm Reese's mom and that is such an opportunity. I know I have so many faults, but it is a humbling feeling to feel like I can know exactly what our baby girl needs. ( I just wanted to add that Ron is the same way. I didn't mean that she wants me over Ron:) She loves Ron just the same:)

3 months have gone by so quickly and I have learned to sometimes let the dishes wait, laundry can be folded later, and the bathroom can be cleaned tomorrow because playing with Reese and watching her grow will be moments that I can't take back. I feel like I don't want to miss a thing so sorry there are so many pictures.

Here are some of Reese's stats

Reese at 3 months old..

8lbs 6oz. 19 inches long

Eating 3oz every 3 hours

wakes up usually around 4am to eat

tummy time

Happy Father's Day...

Happy Father's Day!!!

We had so much fun this Father's Day and we can thank enough Reese for that. My heart is also full of gratitude to Reese's birthparents for their decision to place Reese that we could celebrate Father's Day with our baby girl. She is so much fun and has Ron tied around her itty bitty finger already. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband that loves being a Dad. When I first flew out to Detroit, I thought it was kinda difficult being out there, but Ron, still needing to provide for us, flew back and forth from Detroit. I think in a week he spent about 45 hours on a plane. I guess that is what Dad's do to make sure his girls are okay. I don't think I ever thanked Ron enough for flying back and forth for us. I remember when I thought we would be able to come home on a Friday and it didn't happen and so Reese and I were going to have to stay out in Detroit for another weekend. I was talking to Ron on the phone and I started crying and he asked me what was wrong. I told him I just wanted to come home and so he caught the next flight out early the next morning. I think his flight left at 6:00am and his plane came in around 5:00pm. That is one long day! Ron is such an amazing Father and husband. He works so hard for his family and loves to play with Reese. He loves to make sure she is having her "tummy time" and always gets her to smile. Wherever we go, we have to take turns holding her because both of us always wants to hold her. I love that when he comes home from work, he always kisses us on the forehead as he is passing by. Ron has been so good to help me around the house. I love to watch him just hold Reese and play with her and sing to her. I keep forgetting that as much as I have wanted and waited for a baby, I am 8 years younger than Ron and he has had those same desires for longer than I have. He is the greatest father and husband and we love him so much!

I am also very grateful for the wonderful Father's in my life. My own Dad who has always shown constant support and love in my life in whatever I did. My stepdad who has always treated me as his own daughter and my father-in -law who is a great example and is always watching over our family and home. I am so grateful to have so many fathers in my life that have shaped our life and helped Ron and I. They have taught Ron how to be a father, helped us remodel our home, watch our dogs,gave priesthood blesings, help me plant my garden, and have always been there for us. We love you!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Effusion resolved...

This is so sad! The picture below are all the leads for her EKG

When we first got home from Michigan, our pediatrician detected a slight murmur and so Reese had to get an echocardiogram at 6 weeks old. It was so sad:( The cardiologist said that Reese had an effusion, which I guess is some fluid around her heart and they were hoping that it would resolve itself. The following week, the cardiologist called and said he wanted her in the next day for another echo to make sure the effusion wasn't getting worse. It kinda scared me because he kinda made it sound like it was an emergency. The effusion was still there and they said she would need to get another echo in about a month and if it hadn't resolved itself, we would need to go down to Primary Childrens Hospital to get it checked out. So friday, we went into Ogden Regional and Reese had her 3rd echo. ( I have to add that when the lady was registering Reese at the hospital, she asked how old she was and I told her 10 weeks. She said, "Oh wow, she is pretty big for a 10 week old." Ha ha! Are you kidding me! I guess 7lbs is now big for a 10 week old) Anyway, Reese is so good through her Echos. She just sucks her binky like crazy and holds onto my finger. I was a little bit scared if Reese had to have surgery or something, but we found out today that the effusion had resolved itself! Yeah!! No more Echos, no surgery, and a healthy happy baby! Also, Reese had her second eye appt to check for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) and the Dr. said her eyes looked great and had completely vascularized. Yeah, Reese will not lose her vision one day! So it looks like, no more Dr. visits for a while and we have ourselves one healthy and happy baby! Reese sporting her new baby legs

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baby Shower...

I just have to say that I have the greatest friends. Thanks Nancy and LeAnn for throwing the shower. The shower was on Saturday and it was so much fun! I was so mad at myself for forgetting to take pictures at the shower. I couldn't believe how generous people were and I was so grateful for all that was given and those that came to meet Reese. I still am overwhelmed by all the love and support our neighbors and friends continually give to us. Many friends contributed to a gift card for us and I was overwhelmed by their generosity. Reese is one loved little girl! Here are some of the things Reese received.

this was a cute little ballerina outfit that we had to try on

I love this baby spoon and bracelet! I had a baby spoon when I was little and I absolutely loved it! I kinda want to keep the bracelet in the box so that Reese doesn't lose it when she gets older:) I love sentimental gifts!

This is the cutest outfit! I can't wait for Reese to get big enough to wear this outfit.

I think these have to be the fanciest burp cloths I have ever seen. They are darling! They seem to nice for Reese to spit up on:)

Another darling dress that Reese will look beautiful in. She seriously got the cutest clothes!

Love it!!!!

The bright colors will look so cute on Reese!

I wish I would have taken a picture of Reese in these leggings that actually fit her. They are the cutest thing I have ever seen! There will definitely be more pictures to come in later posts.

Fun, cute sleepers! Reese has grown out of all of her preemie sleepers. These will be so nice!

My friend Jamie made this cute plaque for Reese. I loved it! I can't wait to hang it in her new room!

Cute Sunday dress!

I love this little outfit!

I love this sleeper and I think this rubber ducky has to be the coolest duck I have ever seen. Sparkles and everything:)

Our house is coming along..

I can't believe how quickly our house is being built. Even though our house is only about a half a mile away from where we live now, I have been having a difficult time getting up to the house everyday. I guess it makes the changes more drastic because they get so much done each day. Here are some updated pictures...

Our view to the west from our back porch

Our view to the east
Our front porch

Our house

One day this will be my kitchen

This past week, they were insulating and finishing the roof. Hopefully they will start to sheetrock next week.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week by week....

Sorry, this is a long post. I have been meaning to do a week-by-week post so I could see how much Reese has grown. I wanted to cry as I was posting these pics. She has gone through so much and is just thriving like crazy.
Week 1
I remember the first time I saw these pictures of Reese, I started bawling. I felt and knew that this was our baby girl and I thought she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. In this picture, Reese weighed 2lbs 70z. and had an NG tube in as well as a tube through her naval.

This picture made me want to fly out to Detroit as soon as possible. Her eyes are so beautiful!

Week 2

Reese in her little isolette. She weighed about 2lbs 10oz. She started drinking her bottle which was a miracle.

She stretches like this all the time:)

Week 3

Reese was able to have her NG tube taken out and was taking all of her feedings through a bottle. She weighed about 2lbs 14oz. 22mL each feeding.

Week 4

I finally meet our baby girl. We flew out to detroit and Reese weighed 3lbs that night. The most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I loved sitting in the NICU for hours just holding her and looking at all of her little features.

We would put vaseline on her lips, but Reese and I call it her "lipstick"

The night Reese met her Daddy

Week 5

Reese was discharged during week 5 weighing 3lbs 8oz. It makes me so sad when I look at her outfit. I had to put it away a couple weeks ago because she grew out of it.

In the apartment in Detroit

Week 6

Finally home in Utah. Reese weighed 4lbs 3oz. She is the happiest baby

We had to keep her temp up so she had to wear two sleepers.

Reese had to get an EKG. Yeah, they covered her whole body.

Week 7

Reese is growing like a weed! I think she was about 4lbs 10 0z here.

Greatest Mothers Day ever

Week 8

Reese is getting cute chubby cheeks and is eating about 2 oz at each feeding. She is about 5 1/2 lbs.

playing with Reese before bath time

last time she fit into this sleeper

Week 9

Reese is so stinkin cute! I love her so much! She had her 2month dr appt and weight 6lbs 5oz.

When she is awake, she is so alert. Her eyes get really big when she looks at things. She loves lights and always smiles at them.

This was supposed to be "tummy time", but Reese decided she just wanted to sleep so she pushed her bum in the air and tucked her feet under and zonked out.

Week 10

still loves that bink!