Sunday, August 12, 2012

Baby Baby.....

I couple weeks ago, I made Reese some baby cribs out of a diaper box and she has loved them. She thought they were for her though and tried to sit and lay down in her new bed. As you can see...... the baby got sat on a few times. Reese had fun though:)

A good photographer and a cute girl = cute pictures

My good friend whom I have known for the last 20 years decided to stop teaching(high school) and start a business in her real love, which is photography and graphic design. She needed a few models to take pictures of and this little girl was chosen. I would pick her too:)
 The thing I love about these pictures is that they capture Reese's personality. Michelle came up to my house and put a little chair out and just started taking pictures. In the picture above, Reese is holding a piece of ice because she loves to suck on ice all day long.
 In the picture above, you can see where the ice melted on Reese's shorts and then she went and put on her necklaces and her one-lensed glasses

 Then we ended up going to the field behind our house and took some pictures in the long grass. I think this picture is absolutely beautiful!