Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Ron!!!

Happy Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband and daddy! There are so many reasons why we love Ron, but here are just a few.......
- Ron works hard in everything he does.
- Ron is honest with everyone
- Ron is a great father and Reese absolutely adores him
- I love that Ron will dance and sing with Reese
- Ron has such a solid testimony and presides in our home
 - Ron loves to learn new things. He learned to do a little bit of re-construction at our old house and is now constructing our theater room.
-Ron is very reliable
- Ron always makes time for Reese
- Ron is very selfless and always willing to help others or stop at the store for me whenever I ask
- Ron loves his family
For Ron's birthday, we had some friends over and had a little surprise party, which was a lot of fun. The next day we went to Ron's favorite restaurant, Tepanyaki, and Reese loved the fire.
 We are very grateful for Ron and all that he does for our family.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

15 months old

 Another month goes by and Reese just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I love that her personality is just coming out in full bloom and I love her sense of humor. I am noticing more and more just how much she watches what I do and wants to be like her momma. Anytime she comes into the exercise room, she uses the ab slide or the yoga ball. The thing that I love about it is that she is having fun.
15 mo old stats....
Height: 29.75 in. -25%
Weight: 19 1/2 lbs - 7%

Reese loves to run and she looks like she is going to fall on her face at any moment. Our favorite thing to do lately is that I start to stomp and chase her and she runs off the opposite direction squealing. I love her laugh and she loves to get tickled. Ron usually holds Reese and I chase them around the kitchen and she just yells and squeals and buries her head into Ron. I think Reese will be a dancer when she gets bigger because she loves to dance. Anytime any music comes on, she starts to nod her head and shake her body. She is the biggest dare devil and climbs everything. She usually uses her baby stroller to step onto and climb onto the fireplace. She also climb up on her table and stands up and when I don't catch her before she stands up, she says "Ma" and shakes her bum, like, "I'm up here and you didn't stop me."
 So Reese's favorite word or I should say name is Isla. Everywhere we go it's Isla Isla Isla. She loves her cousin. She also learned to say Sach (our dog Sachi), place (which we tell our dog when she goes to her bed), no no no (along with the pointed finger), ball, jump, hello, bye, uh-oh (all the time), hello, grandma, and others that I can't think of right now.

 We have been working on throwing and kicking balls and she loves that. I think I might have scarred my child from catching a ball though. I threw the ball to her and it would hit her in the face so now she puts her arms out to catch and her eyes closed. Poor girl!
 I have been so proud of Reese as I watch her care for others. It's neat for me to see her take her toy to her friend that is crying or when a child wants her toy, she gives it to them without complaint and then gets another toy to play with. She is such a miracle baby and teaches me so much. She has such a loving personality and I am grateful that I get squeezes from my little girl every day.