Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Father's Day...

Happy Father's Day!!!

We had so much fun this Father's Day and we can thank enough Reese for that. My heart is also full of gratitude to Reese's birthparents for their decision to place Reese that we could celebrate Father's Day with our baby girl. She is so much fun and has Ron tied around her itty bitty finger already. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband that loves being a Dad. When I first flew out to Detroit, I thought it was kinda difficult being out there, but Ron, still needing to provide for us, flew back and forth from Detroit. I think in a week he spent about 45 hours on a plane. I guess that is what Dad's do to make sure his girls are okay. I don't think I ever thanked Ron enough for flying back and forth for us. I remember when I thought we would be able to come home on a Friday and it didn't happen and so Reese and I were going to have to stay out in Detroit for another weekend. I was talking to Ron on the phone and I started crying and he asked me what was wrong. I told him I just wanted to come home and so he caught the next flight out early the next morning. I think his flight left at 6:00am and his plane came in around 5:00pm. That is one long day! Ron is such an amazing Father and husband. He works so hard for his family and loves to play with Reese. He loves to make sure she is having her "tummy time" and always gets her to smile. Wherever we go, we have to take turns holding her because both of us always wants to hold her. I love that when he comes home from work, he always kisses us on the forehead as he is passing by. Ron has been so good to help me around the house. I love to watch him just hold Reese and play with her and sing to her. I keep forgetting that as much as I have wanted and waited for a baby, I am 8 years younger than Ron and he has had those same desires for longer than I have. He is the greatest father and husband and we love him so much!

I am also very grateful for the wonderful Father's in my life. My own Dad who has always shown constant support and love in my life in whatever I did. My stepdad who has always treated me as his own daughter and my father-in -law who is a great example and is always watching over our family and home. I am so grateful to have so many fathers in my life that have shaped our life and helped Ron and I. They have taught Ron how to be a father, helped us remodel our home, watch our dogs,gave priesthood blesings, help me plant my garden, and have always been there for us. We love you!

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