Monday, June 13, 2011

Effusion resolved...

This is so sad! The picture below are all the leads for her EKG

When we first got home from Michigan, our pediatrician detected a slight murmur and so Reese had to get an echocardiogram at 6 weeks old. It was so sad:( The cardiologist said that Reese had an effusion, which I guess is some fluid around her heart and they were hoping that it would resolve itself. The following week, the cardiologist called and said he wanted her in the next day for another echo to make sure the effusion wasn't getting worse. It kinda scared me because he kinda made it sound like it was an emergency. The effusion was still there and they said she would need to get another echo in about a month and if it hadn't resolved itself, we would need to go down to Primary Childrens Hospital to get it checked out. So friday, we went into Ogden Regional and Reese had her 3rd echo. ( I have to add that when the lady was registering Reese at the hospital, she asked how old she was and I told her 10 weeks. She said, "Oh wow, she is pretty big for a 10 week old." Ha ha! Are you kidding me! I guess 7lbs is now big for a 10 week old) Anyway, Reese is so good through her Echos. She just sucks her binky like crazy and holds onto my finger. I was a little bit scared if Reese had to have surgery or something, but we found out today that the effusion had resolved itself! Yeah!! No more Echos, no surgery, and a healthy happy baby! Also, Reese had her second eye appt to check for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) and the Dr. said her eyes looked great and had completely vascularized. Yeah, Reese will not lose her vision one day! So it looks like, no more Dr. visits for a while and we have ourselves one healthy and happy baby! Reese sporting her new baby legs

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