Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baby Shower...

I just have to say that I have the greatest friends. Thanks Nancy and LeAnn for throwing the shower. The shower was on Saturday and it was so much fun! I was so mad at myself for forgetting to take pictures at the shower. I couldn't believe how generous people were and I was so grateful for all that was given and those that came to meet Reese. I still am overwhelmed by all the love and support our neighbors and friends continually give to us. Many friends contributed to a gift card for us and I was overwhelmed by their generosity. Reese is one loved little girl! Here are some of the things Reese received.

this was a cute little ballerina outfit that we had to try on

I love this baby spoon and bracelet! I had a baby spoon when I was little and I absolutely loved it! I kinda want to keep the bracelet in the box so that Reese doesn't lose it when she gets older:) I love sentimental gifts!

This is the cutest outfit! I can't wait for Reese to get big enough to wear this outfit.

I think these have to be the fanciest burp cloths I have ever seen. They are darling! They seem to nice for Reese to spit up on:)

Another darling dress that Reese will look beautiful in. She seriously got the cutest clothes!

Love it!!!!

The bright colors will look so cute on Reese!

I wish I would have taken a picture of Reese in these leggings that actually fit her. They are the cutest thing I have ever seen! There will definitely be more pictures to come in later posts.

Fun, cute sleepers! Reese has grown out of all of her preemie sleepers. These will be so nice!

My friend Jamie made this cute plaque for Reese. I loved it! I can't wait to hang it in her new room!

Cute Sunday dress!

I love this little outfit!

I love this sleeper and I think this rubber ducky has to be the coolest duck I have ever seen. Sparkles and everything:)

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