Monday, June 6, 2011

Week by week....

Sorry, this is a long post. I have been meaning to do a week-by-week post so I could see how much Reese has grown. I wanted to cry as I was posting these pics. She has gone through so much and is just thriving like crazy.
Week 1
I remember the first time I saw these pictures of Reese, I started bawling. I felt and knew that this was our baby girl and I thought she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. In this picture, Reese weighed 2lbs 70z. and had an NG tube in as well as a tube through her naval.

This picture made me want to fly out to Detroit as soon as possible. Her eyes are so beautiful!

Week 2

Reese in her little isolette. She weighed about 2lbs 10oz. She started drinking her bottle which was a miracle.

She stretches like this all the time:)

Week 3

Reese was able to have her NG tube taken out and was taking all of her feedings through a bottle. She weighed about 2lbs 14oz. 22mL each feeding.

Week 4

I finally meet our baby girl. We flew out to detroit and Reese weighed 3lbs that night. The most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I loved sitting in the NICU for hours just holding her and looking at all of her little features.

We would put vaseline on her lips, but Reese and I call it her "lipstick"

The night Reese met her Daddy

Week 5

Reese was discharged during week 5 weighing 3lbs 8oz. It makes me so sad when I look at her outfit. I had to put it away a couple weeks ago because she grew out of it.

In the apartment in Detroit

Week 6

Finally home in Utah. Reese weighed 4lbs 3oz. She is the happiest baby

We had to keep her temp up so she had to wear two sleepers.

Reese had to get an EKG. Yeah, they covered her whole body.

Week 7

Reese is growing like a weed! I think she was about 4lbs 10 0z here.

Greatest Mothers Day ever

Week 8

Reese is getting cute chubby cheeks and is eating about 2 oz at each feeding. She is about 5 1/2 lbs.

playing with Reese before bath time

last time she fit into this sleeper

Week 9

Reese is so stinkin cute! I love her so much! She had her 2month dr appt and weight 6lbs 5oz.

When she is awake, she is so alert. Her eyes get really big when she looks at things. She loves lights and always smiles at them.

This was supposed to be "tummy time", but Reese decided she just wanted to sleep so she pushed her bum in the air and tucked her feet under and zonked out.

Week 10

still loves that bink!

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