Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today was a really good day! Ron spoke in church and he did such an amazing job. The only thing that made the day better was that one of my young women and her family who has been taking the missionary discussions came to church today. Ron started his talk by talking about our neighbor Brooke who is 2 and how she loves her babies, everywhere she goes she has a baby on her hip and is feeding her babies and getting them dressed. He then talked about his sister who has had endometriosis and has not been able to get pregnant and how she is starting to foster care so that she can be a mother. He then spoke about me which I started bawling. To say the least, I love my husband. He also spoke about our neighbor who lives across the street who comes and snow blows the driveway when I am shoveling and is a mother like figure to me. He spoke about women with Mother hearts and how they nurture and sacrifice for those around them even from a very young age. From their primary classes, to their nieces and nephews, and their neighbors, they are mothers. I loved this quote that he used from Les Miserables, " She broke the bread into two fragments and gave them to her children who ate with eagerness. "She hath kept none for herself." grumbled the sergeant. "Because she is not hungry?" said a soldier.
'No", said the sergeant, "because she is a mother."
Anyway, He did a great job!

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