Saturday, May 8, 2010

A full days work! Seriously!!

Well, today we had a bunch of the young men come over and help us in our yard and I am exhausted. We have been trying to sell our house and there is a lot of landscaping we want to get done and not enough hands to do the work. We told the young men we would help them pay for their scouting trips this summer if they came and helped us. It really was fun having them over. They are a great group of kids and they make me laugh. The boys came over around 9:00am and spent the whole day working. It was funny watching two and three boys fit into a wheel barrow on the way back from hawling rocks Ron spent a lot of time grinding down a huge stump and our little neighbor boy told me, "Darc, I think Ron is going to be sore after that." I just started laughing because he knows Ron too well. We got so much done today and I am so grateful for all that the boys did. Also, today the boys found a mascot that helped them with the yard work. This huge Alaskan Malamuit that they named Raja (from Aladdin) followed them around everywhere. We couldn't find the owner so the cops came and found its home and the owner didn't want her anymore. So now our neighbors or one of the boys has a new dog. That was pretty exciting. Anyway, the boys were troopers and we are very grateful for all their help and a fun day!

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