Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our Story 3 Years Ago....

So about 3 years ago today, Ron and I went out on our first date. I remember he picked me up and he was still in his scrubs from work. I still think Ron looks so cute in his scrubs. Anyway, we went back to his house so he could change and it was pretty funny because he missed the exit to his house. He got ready and we went to the junction. (Hey, it was cool back then. We were going to go bowling) Ron wanted to do the virtual roller coaster and so I went along although I hate roller coasters. Ron thought I was laughing, but really I was heaving and about ready to puke:) I was ready to go home after that. Not the greatest first date! Awkward date #1...Check! He called me the following Sunday and asked if I wanted to go with him up to his parents house. I don't remember the circumstances, but I drove up here to pleasant view. I must have really liked him because I always had any guy pick me up. I loved his family and that was a good thing because our next date happened to be at his grandma's funeral. Let's just say that was a little awkward! Later that night we went to dinner at Tepanyaki's and while we were waiting, I saw some friends of a guy I had previously dated. Well, they didn't know that we were not dating anymore and assumed we were there together. Well, if that was not awkward, they seated us all together at the same table. When Ron and I finally got into the car to go home, I busted out laughing and told him the whole story. Awkward date #3.....Check!! I am laughing just thinking about it! Another week later we went to go see these amazing carved pumpkins in Farmington and when we got back to my house, my Mom had left a note on the table that said that a friend of yours just got back from his mission and stopped by and left his number. Ron and I laughed again! Awkward date #4.....Check!! Ron won me over really quickly! I was working as a Respiratory Therapist at Lakeview Hospital in bountiful and I would go into the breakroom and find orchids with a cute note and sometimes he would be there just to visit. We look back and realize how dumb we were, but I would usually get home from work around 12:00am and Ron would meet me at my house and stay for about and hour and then go home and wake up early in the morning to go to work. This was really stupid when it was snowy nights! He offered once to fly me to California to go see Wicked and fly back the same night if I wanted. I so wish I would have taken him up on that offer now. (I didn't know him that well then and thought he might be a psycho) I quickly realized that I loved Ron and wanted to spend eternity with him. For the first time I stopped worrying about everything and could just be myself and love. To make a long story short....we were engaged in the beginning of Dec., married in the middle of march ( a beautiful snowstormy day:( and I love him more everyday! 3 years goes by fast!!!

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