Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OuR NeW PuPpY....

No, we did not give up on adopting a baby, but we did adopt a dog:) We have not picked out a name for her yet, but we will soon. Last night was a hard night for her, but today she is doing much better. She loves to cuddle and be held.

Last night we gave the dogs some a bone and they were going to town. It was pretty funny!

I was laughing so hard, because I picked her up and she held her feet like this.

She finally fell asleep!

1 comment:

  1. soooo cute! i hope your dogs bring you joy and fill a void for a time for you. they really do become a part of your family! i know our dog chase did that for us while we waited for our children! we'll always love him for that. i have been thinking a lot about you and praying that you are doing well and that time has started to heal some of the hurt. i am so impressed with your strength and how you have stayed so positive. GREAT things are coming your way. i can't think of anyone more deserving of all the good the Lord has in store for your life! you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
