Sunday, September 5, 2010

My shoe lesson...

So, this is a silly post and I am not quite sure why I am writing it, except to just laugh at my own frustrations. Hey, maybe one day, 50 years down the road, my kids will come across this entry and they will learn a very valuable lesson from their all wise mother.
Anyway, so I have learned a rather painful lesson on the 300-500 mile rule. The 300-500 mile rule is generally how far you can run in a pair of shoes before they break down and you need to trade them in. Well, I have been ignoring this rule for quite some time and I started getting sesmoiditis, which is inflammation and pain in the sesmoid bone (the ball of your foot). I am learning all sorts of terms from my injuries. Anyway, because the ball of my foot was hurting, I started running on the outside of my foot and then last Saturday I was running and all of a sudden I felt this really bad pain in the top of my foot. I thought I might have a stress fracture, but I really doubt it! I tried to walk and had a difficult time and had to quit. I learned that from my running on the outside of my foot and with my shoes worn down, my arches were collapsing and the outside bones were hitting each other on the top of my foot. You would think I learned my lesson.....No, not at all! I tried running again a couple days later on the inside of my foot without landing on the ball of my foot and ended up hurting my knee. So this past week, I have been limping along with a hurt foot and knee and have not been able to run. I learned a couple things......1) when you can barely walk, don't try to run! 2) Keep your life in balance or else everything else starts hurting:)
Good news is that I bought some new shoes!
I thought I would post my new favorite running shoes that I would highly recommend......The Mizuno Wave Rider! They are awesome is you don't completely wear them out.
These are my old pink ones that I wore out, but I loved them!
My new purplish shoes! Love them and can't wait to start running again!

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