Wednesday, July 20, 2016

We have a garden!!!!

The kids have been wanting to plant a garden for a couple of years now, but we were not sure where to plant it. We finally found a place behind the racquetball court and Ron started building these garden boxes. He actually build an irrigation system as well. I was pretty impressed with my amazing DIY hubby. We were not sure what to start out planting or how much so we we planted a little bit of everything! We wanted to put gravel around the garden boxes so Ron and Ren loaded up the tractor and carried lots and lots of rocks over to our garden boxes. Ren loved riding the tractor with Ron. He loved putting his cowboy boots on and working with his Daddy. Surprisingly...... our garden has taken off and we have been able to enjoy our first zucchini. Next project is building a produce stand. Reese wants to start selling vegetables in front of our house:) 

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