Thursday, July 14, 2016

Preschool Graduation 2016

I don't know how this day has finally come, but Reese graduated from preschool. I am so proud of my sweet girl for how hard she has worked. She started preschool as my little 3 year old with not a care in the world. Over the past 2 years, she has learned so much and grown into such an amazing and selfless little girl. More than all that she is learned, I am so proud of Reese for never giving up and always doing her best. Over the past 2 years, Reese has gone through more than most kids her age have had to go through and I am so grateful that she has come out on top. I am so grateful that she is such a good friend and loves to make people happy. She has made such great friends over the past 2 years and she has the best teachers.  Reese loves them and they truly love her. When Reese had her tonsils taken out, her teachers were there to bring her popsicles and make sure she was okay. I am so proud of my little girl. 
The three pics below are of the first day of school when she was 3 and her school pic. 

Preschool Graduation was great! Reese has stage fright really bad and she was really nervous to stand up and say her part. She was supposed to say the days of the week in Spanish, but when it was about time to stand  up, she walked back to me and started to cry. I felt so bad because we had worked so hard on her part and I knew she could do it. I also knew that if we pushed her too hard that she wouldn't do the graduation part either so I just let it go and got her ready for the graduation. After she received her diploma, her teacher talked to Reese and she stood up and said her part in the microphone. I was so proud of her because I wanted her to gain that confidence for herself.  We sure love our sweet Reesie and couldn't be more proud of the amazing little girl she has become. Now off to Kindergarten. I am not ready for this at all, but I'm happy that Reese is excited  for school. 

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