Wednesday, January 28, 2015

36 weeks and a wonderful weekend.

Friday marked Lizzie's 36 week mark! Can you believe it? Ahhhhhh, I'm so excited! It has been a great weekend. On Sunday, we had our ward conference and with that, we always have the YM/YW testimony meeting with the class presidencies. This is always such a great testimony meeting and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to attend this meeting. Ron always has early morning meetings and so we had to coordinate our schedules so that I could make it to the meeting. The girls were sick and so we didn't want to bring them to the church and our church is 20 min away. Which isn't anything to complain about, but it does make me laugh that we pass 8 church buildings on the way to our building:) Anyway, Ron was able to miss some of his meetings to get home so I could go to the testimony meeting and sacrament, and then hurry home so Ron could make it to the 1:00 sacrament meeting and then more meetings. It's a little crazy, but we make it work and I am so grateful for a husband that serves so selflessly, honors his priesthood, is so obedient, and puts his family first. I love that guy!

Anyway, the testimony meeting was awesome! The youth are so strong and I heard testimonies of being bullied at school and yet striving daily to bless the lives of others. They knew that Heavenly Father was there every moment and they could pray to Him anytime. One of the leaders talked about how when we play on a merry go round, everyone wants to be on the outside. My mind starting churning on this idea of the merry go round. I remember when I was younger, I would run as fast as I could, pushing the merry go round, and when then jump on while my brothers continued to run even faster. I remember holding on to the outside while my legs would fly on the outside and I would be holding on for dear life. You would fight gravity to pull yourself to the center, but once you got to the center, you didn't feel the affects of the gravity. This was the safest place to be. I thought about the atonement and our Savior. It takes a lot of work to get to the center of the merry go round, but it is only through the Savior that we are able to not feel the weight of the world or the pull of gravity. It might seem like a silly analogy, but it truly makes all the difference when the burdens and weight are too much and you want to give in to Satan. Our Savior lives and he truly can make our burdens light. He can comfort us when nobody else can and can take away the guilt when we are truly repentant. There is so much power  when we stay in the middle of the merry go round. Okay, my analogy is over. The youth motivate me to be better. They strive daily to do what is right and to help all those around them. I felt the spirit so strong as some of the younger youth bore testimonies for their first time.

Testimony meeting was amazing as well! The bishop's wife talked about the parable of the ten virgins and about her conversions story. She told of her drop by drop conversion story that continues on every day. As I listened to her speak, I thought about my drop by drop conversion story......( Sorry, it's late. I started to write my story and then decided I would rather write it in my next post.)

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