Monday, November 14, 2011

The day I have been dreaming of!!!

I can't tell you how long it seems that I have been waiting for this day! The day that we would be sealed to our sweet baby. I have felt that I would have an adopted child since I was in high school and received my patriarchal blessing. For the past 3 years, every time I would go to the temple, I would just imagine kneeling across the alter with Ron and our sweet baby. Many tears were also shed wondering if that day would actually come. Now, looking back on our ups and downs of adoption, I realize that I have learned so much and one of those things is that your children are not in your family by chance. They come to your specific family at a specific time and I am grateful for the adoptions that didn't work out because I know Reese is supposed to be in our family. When I think about all the prayers I had offered concerning the child we were to adopt, she is the accumulation of all of those prayers. Since the day I held Reese in my arms, this little 3lb baby, I fell in love and could not imagine our life without her. She has allowed me to be a mother and I just could not wait to be sealed to her for eternity.
We were sealed on Saturday, November 5th, 2011 at 2:30pm in the Bountiful temple. It was a beautiful snowy day and Reese was perfect! She took a 2 hour nap from 10-12:00 and then we left at 12:30 and she fell asleep again on the drive to the temple, which was perfect! When we got to the temple, we couldn't get her to take her eyes off the temple. She had her eyes glued on the temple and the chandeliers. I was so excited to take her inside and it was neat that everyone who saw us holding our baby inside the temple seemed to be sharing our special day with us. We dropped Reese off at the youth center and would not see her again until the sealing. The sealing was perfect and I thought Reese was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I started to cry as I looked around at all of our family and friends that have showed so much love and support to our family, but when they brought Reese into the room, tears started streaming down my face and it was the best feeling to have the two loves of my life with me that we could be sealed as an eternal family. As we walked through the temple with Reese, I think Ron and I had to be the happiest parents in the world at that moment. All dresses in white, in the temple, as an eternal family........doesn't get much better than that!!! There are a lot of things that are not very fun about adopting, but being sealed to Reese makes all the heartache worth every tear!
We are grateful for Ron's sister, Wendy, who held Reese during the sealing!

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