Saturday, August 16, 2014

A fun weekend with Nora's birth mother. ...

 This past weekend, we had a wonderful time with Nora's birth mother. She came to Utah to find housing for school this fall and we finally were able to get together with her. We are very proud of her and very excited that she will be in Utah again. We have not seen Sadie since Nora was 3 weeks old. We facetime with her and text all the time, but we had not seen her for a while. I was so excited to see her and so excited for her to see Nora. A lot of people had asked me if I was nervous to see Sadie and honestly I wasn't. Sadie is so selfless and we have a great relationship. She is always so complimentary on me as a mother and always tells us how grateful she is for the kind of parents we are. She notices things that I do as a mother that I don't even think of and she helps me gain confidence in myself as a mother. It was really neat when we actually saw her at the restaurant because she ran straight to me and hugged me, hugged Ron, and then hugged Nora and Reese. As Ron and I were talking about this later on, I started to cry as we both realized that the dynamics of our relationship with Sadie has changed over the past year. I know that Sadie loves Nora so much, but I also know that she knows that we love her and she loves us. Sadie and I text all the time and many times it has nothing to do with Nora. I am so grateful that she is a part of our family and that we get to know her family as well.
We were able to meet Sadie and her sister at the zoo and although it was super HOT, we had a lot of fun! I loved watching Nora and Sadie together. I felt a little bad because Nora is totally a Mama's girl and is attached at the hip to me so she wasn't too cooperative when it came to Sadie holding her, but she slowly warmed up and was laughing with her by the end of the day. Reese really loved the monkeys and Nora loved the sea otters. There was also a really cute bear that would stick its head out of the water and just stare at Reese and Nora. At the end of the day when the zoo was getting ready to close and there wasn't very many people around, we were just talking by the Lion habitat and Reese started walking back and forth by the lion and the lion started following her. If Reese ran, the lion would run, if she stopped, it would stop. It was so cute to watch this big ferocious lion become so playful with Reese. She was laughing hysterically as the lion followed her every move and ran back and forth with her. It was a great way to finish a wonderful day at the zoo.

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