Saturday, June 14, 2014

Nora's 15 month appt.

We went in for Nora's 15 month appt and she is happy and healthy! She weighed 23lbs and I can't remember her height. Nora is such a happy baby and sometimes we call her NoraRoo because she is attached to me like a baby Kangaroo. Nora is so funny! I told you that she was observant before, but let me tell you how observant..... now that Nora can go down the stairs by herself, I don't have to put the gate up, but for a while, it was still right by the stairs. Well, I guess Nora had learned my morning routine because when I stopped putting the gate up, I would watch Nora pick up the gate and lay it against the stairs and then she would go over to Sachi's kennel and close the door if it was open and put Sachi's food bowl on the kennel. It's pretty hilarious that she noticed that I would do that every morning without thinking. I would shut Sachi's kennel door because Nora used to try to crawl into the kennel and then I would put her food on top of the kennel because Nora would try to eat it. She is so smart! Nora loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and loves to sing the "Hotdog"and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" song. She also loves to say "Oh toodles". She loves to blow kisses and pretend to talk on the phone. She will pick up anything that looks like a phone and say, "Halllo". Nora is very funny and also stubborn. The other day she was sitting at the top of the stairs and I asked her to turn around and slide down on her belly. She hurry and turns her head toward the back and then looks forward again and says, "Ta Da". I started laughing and again told her to turn around or she would fall. She stands up and shakes her hands like she is going to fall. I started to walk up the stairs and tell her to turn around and she climbs up on the top step and stands up and turns around and faces the wall and just stays there until I get there. She is hilariously stubborn and I love everything about her. She loves to eat the Kids Clif bars we buy from Costco. Many times, if Reese leaves the pantry open, Nora will go get a bar and bring it to me to open. It seems this always happen right before dinner and I will tell her to put it back. She will then take it to Reese who opens it up for her and then she will sit behind the chair and eat it. She is clever and witty and so much fun to be around. She loves to sing and dance and lead music. We are so grateful for our sweet Nora and the wonderful blessing she is in our life.

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