Monday, May 7, 2012

This past week...

This week has not been the easiest week, but I have learned to be grateful for the little things in life. Monday and Tuesday, Reese was getting hot and not feeling well. Her temp was almost 102* and so her dr checked her out and she didn't have an ear infection or anything he could tell. She kept getting worse and worse and wanted me to hold her all the time. I was up with her on Tuesday night and she was laying down with me and I was trying to reach for something on the floor and strained some muscles in my back . In the morning, I could barely move. I couldn't pick up Reese, but she was bawling and reaching up for me so I would pick her up anyway. I didn't realize how many things you do in a day that involve your back until it hurts to do it ( getting her out of her crib, high chair, setting her on your lap, changing her diaper, pouring milk, loading dishwasher, laundry, vaccuming, making dinner, and so many other things.) It made me realize how much I enjoy being able to accomplish so many things in a day that requires a healthy body. By the time Ron got home, I couldn't even stand up straight and I had to hold onto something to walk. I am grateful for a brother-in-law that is a chiropractor and was nice enough to go into his office at 9:30pm to work on me. I wanted to cry the whole time and when I stood up after, I about collapsed because it hurt so bad. When we got home, Reese just wanted me to pick her up and she was crying, I was crying on the couch because I hurt so bad and I couldn't pick up my baby girl and felt guilty that Ron was trying to take care of both of us. I couldn't even lay down in bed without hurting. Ron 's dad came over to give Reese a blessing and gave me one too.  I am very grateful for the power of the priesthood in my home and a husband that loves us so much and takes good care of us. The next day was about the same as the day before, but, by the third day, I could walk and it was as if nothing happened, which was a miracle. Reese broke out in a rash all over her body and we found out that she had roseolla. So lots of cuddling time with my baby girl. I am very grateful for this experience which helped me to be grateful for the little things in life. I am grateful for my health that allows me to be a active mother and accomplish so many  things in a day. It feels so good to work and be able to comfort a crying child. grateful for the little things in life.

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