Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Sick of Being Sick

I won't post any pictures because I am sure you really do not want to see pictures of my family puking. Anyway, I feel like I am a storyteller when I say...." It began on a wednesday morning a few weeks ago. Reese woke up with her eyelids closed with gunk. I didn't think much of it because her eyes were not real pink, but it lasted for a couple of days  and went away. Monday morning I woke up with pink eye. Great! I don't think I have ever had pink eye, but it is not surprising that I got it because Reese loves to touch our faces. Also, on tuesday, I started getting bronchitis and was coughing  my lungs out all through the night. I have not been this sick for a long long time and I wasn't sure how I got it. I think I sanitized and disinfected every surface, sheet, knobs, and toy in our house. The bronchitis got a little better where I would only cough at night and I wasn't contagious so I was excited to finally get out of our house. Well, monday morning, Reese woke up and started throwing up over and over again. I felt so bad because she has never puked before and it really scared her. She would throw up and then sleep, throw up and then sleep. She woke up in the morning and would have puke all in her hair and I felt so bad. I was driving to the store to get her some medicine and she puked in her car seat so we turned around. We started pedialyte and the vomiting stopped after a day and a half, but then the diarrhea started and has continued throughout the week. I thought she was doing pretty good on Wed and glad we were done with this flu season, but I woke up early Thursday morning because I started puking. I felt so bad because Reese had diarrhea, but she was happy and playing and I tried to play with her while I layed on the floor with my bucket. I am so grateful for Ron taking care of us. He came home at lunch and brought me some chicken broth and played with Reese for a little while. I was feeling better on Friday and Ron came home with a movie for us to watch and dinner and I was excited to have an appetite again. Well, early Saturday morning, Ron woke up puking away. So all Saturday, he slept, puked, slept puked, and then by sunday it was all over with and he felt great. For the past week, I have had to change Reese's clothes 3-4 times a day because of the diarrhea and our washer has constantly been in use. I have to say that I love how cuddly she is though. Reese will just crawl up on your chest and fall asleep.
      So, after the past couple of weeks, I have learned how grateful I am for our health and such a happy baby amidst being sick. I am grateful for such a wonderful husband who takes care of us and will take over when I am sick. I am grateful for wonderful friends and family who help me to know what to do. They have all been so helpful and willing to come bring reese whatever she needed. So thank you so much! I am grateful for wonderful neighbors who snow plowed our "nightmare of a driveway" after the snow storm. I can't thank you enough Bro. Haws!!! I also thought a lot about my friends with 3,4, and 5 kids who are cleaning up puke and washing puky laundry for all of their kiddos, while possibly being sick at the same time. To you I say, Thanks for your example!!!


  1. Oh Darcee! I feel for you on this subject! Cannon was sick over New Years and it lasted forever too! Worst feeling ever to watch your baby suffer and feel so helpless! Then being the sick one trying to keep them entertained is another story! SO glad you guys are all feeling better. By the way, Reese gets cuter by the day! Love those cheeks!!

  2. thanks Gentry! It is so sad when your little one is sick. Cannon is so cute. We should get together and let them play together!
