Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Building our House....

So I am really excited that we are finally building a home. The plans are drawn up and we are ready to go. We were supposed to start digging last Friday, but what was approved before is now not approved for some reason. So again we are just waiting to find out what the decision is. Having the plans drawn up and everything was a lot of fun because I finally was able to choose what I wanted. It seems like for the past few years our lives have been dependent on others decisions so it was nice to finally be able to choose something. Yes, lots of choices, but neverthless, I get to choose. Well now again, we are waiting on someone else's decision. Great:( I think the frustrating part is just that if our plans had not been approved before, we would not have put an offer in on the lot and put earnest money down. I should have just known that things would not go smoothly, but I guess I always just hope it does. Ok, my complaining is over! I am really excited that we are able to build. Whether we get this lot or have to go buy another lot we had looked at, we will have wonderful neighbors. We can't go wrong either way. I just want to get started. I am so excited for the baby's room. It is going to be so cute. I also have some fun stuff planned for the playroom. I will post some pictures as soon as the house starts to go up.

1 comment:

  1. Where are you guys building? I am excited for you!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE building! It is so much fun! I am excited to see it go up.
