Seriously, I do not blog nearly enough. This is actually quite embarassing if anyone is following my blog, but I will get better! Starting today, well tonight! I just have to tell you that life has been difficult, but good. Ron and I have been trying to do more together and we have had so much fun together. No matter how difficult life gets, I have to admit that I laugh more each day now than I ever did when I was single. So some of the fun things that Ron and I have been doing together are: racquetball, learning piano, learning how to speak japanese, watching Chuck, eat more together ( well, I should say making time to sit down for dinner. eating more just makes us sound like heffers:)), and those are just a few. Now, let me tell you about these fun activities....
1.) Racquetball- I really have fun playing racquetball, just don't let Ron know that or else he will get upset that I am better at racquetball than he is. Okay, I really stink and got mad at him for making me run when we were playing instead of hitting the ball right at me so I could hit it, but I am getting beter nevertheless. He wants me to play on these travel leagues or whatever it is and start playing in tournaments and I just tell him "right" and laugh!
2.) Learning to play the piano- So I have a new piano teacher named Ron and we havn't been donig the best on lessons so far I had to cancel my two piano lessons the past 2 weeks and so I have taken a total of a whopping zero lessons from him, but we are getting there and I have taught myself how to play the right hand.
3.)Learning how to speak japanese- Now we actually are doing kinda a good job on this one. We are starting to learn how to speak japanese now so we can hopefully go on a mission to japan in 30 years and help the prophet know where to send us. So this is what I have learned so far, "Watasha wa futtote imas" that means "I am fat", but Ron makes me say, "watasha wa yasate imas", which is " I am thin" like 10 times a day.
4-) Watching Chuck- I made fun of Ron last year for watching Chuck and now I am stuck. I have been catching up on past seasons and sometimes we watch like four episodes a night. Yeah, embarassing. I laugh so hard though. One of my favorite episodes is when Morgan calls Chuck a "mind cheater" and the episode where morgan is mad at chuck because he thinks that chuck has become best friends with Jeff and so Chuck asks morgan to help him move something and morgan says why don't you ask your new best friend and Chuck says, "was jeff the pres of his high school AV club" Morgan, "no", then he says, "was jeff a roady for mama mia for four straight years?' Morgan, "no" chuck says, "does jeff have his own fog machine" morgan, "No, but I do!"" Well, this doesn't sound to funny, and actually it sounds pretty dumb, but I laugh every time I watch it and when Ron quotes it.
5-)Eating more together- Eating together has really been a blessing in our marriage and it really helps when I cook. I kinda feel bad cause ron has ate spaghetti about 4 times a week since we got married, but seriously we have been able to talk to each other and really sit down and spend time each day together!!! Also, Ron tries to stop home at lunch time if he can which I love!!
Well, these are a few things that Ron and I have had fun doing together!!