Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Since we met.....

Today it as been 2 years since Ron and I went on our first date. I remember it like it was yesterday. He texted me and we got talking a little bit (via text) and then after like 15 minutes of texting he asked me if I wanted to go out with him that night. I just remember him asking me what I wanted to do and I texted him that I didn't want to go to a movie cause I felt like you couldn't get to know someone when you go see a movie. It was kind of funny cause I was always against someone asking me out through texting and thought that was not a proper way to ask someone out, but hey, why not and I went. I got ready and looked in the mirror about 15 times before I actually went upstairs. When he rang the doorbell I stood at the stairs and had my mom go get the door and waited a few seconds before I actually went to the door. The wait is supposed to mean you are busy and not really waiting for him to come, right! He was in his scrubs still because he had come right from the hospital. Grandma Scoville was sick in the hospital and the family had been up there. Well we were driving to his house so he could change and I remember he wanted me to look at something on his IPhone. I think he was trying to show off his new toy. Well, I was not impressed at all. I thought that the IPhone was such a waste of money, but I figured, well I guess he is a dentist and has the money( well, besides the hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans:)) Well anyway, we were going to his house and he missed his exit! Ha ha, yeah, I thought it was because he was mystified by my beauty! Yeah, that was not it at all! 2 years later and he still misses exits no matter who is in the car. Well, we got to his house and he changed and then we went to the junction and went on this virtual roller coaster and I about threw up, but acted like I was fine. Ron was kinda touchy and it scared me to death:) Ron was easy to talk to though and I learned that there is no secrets in Ron's life. He told me that he had been married before and about what happened. I remember thinking that the only thing that was important to me was that he had done everything he could to make his first marriage work. I remember him saying, "I guess I can't force someone to stay with me." I didn't like the junction cause the music was so loud and so went went back to his house and on the way back that is when I really started to see what an amazing person Ron was. He was telling me about his grandma and how she was sick. The way he talked about his grandparents was with so much love and respect. He then continued to talk about his sisters. He started tearing up a little bit as he talked about Stephanie and what an amazing mom she was with her three boys and how patient she was with them ( this is our first date might I add and the tears were coming). He teared again as he talked about Wendy as well. When we got to his house it was about 11:00 and he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. I remember thinking to myself, "are you serious, it takes about 45 min to take me home and you want to watch an hour and a half long movie, no thanks." Well, he took me home and we talked some more. That was my favorite part of the date, just talking. He was a gentleman and opened all of my doors. I wasn't sure what I thought of him yet, but I loved who I was when I was with him. Over the next few months, we were together almost everyday and I learned more and more who Ron really is and have been so impressed everyday I am with him. I loved who I was because I felt like I didn't have to worry about anything. I didn't have to worry about being put into a situation that I felt upcomfortable in because he would not go to those places himself. We were engaged 2 months later later and married 3 months after that and that has been the best decision I ever made.
Love you, Ron

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