Monday, September 7, 2009


So I have just lately been so amazed with all that Ron does. For anyone that does not know Ron, he is amazing. Truly amazing! The other night we were driving home from Salt Lake and we were talking about what the biggest trials have been in our lives and as we talked about them, I am so grateful for a covenent marriage and such a wonderful husband who helps me through my trials. He tries so hard in all that he does. Some of the things that I love about Ron are:
- He loves me:) Ron always tries so hard to make me happy. And he succeeds! I remember when we were first dating that we were talking about the book, "Five Languages of Love" and I said that I am not much of a flower person, but that I like words and notes. I got a bouquet of orchids at work with a note that said, "I know you are not much of a flower person, but hopefully the note will make up for it". Now, I he writes me notes all the time that express his love!
- He honors his priesthood. Ron truly provides, presides, and protects our family. He is so good to make sure that we have scripture study and FHE. He also is the most diligent home teacher I have ever met. He truly loves those families he visits and would do anything for them.
- He loves to learn. He loved dental school and I have never heard him say one negative thing about his time through dental school. He always wants to take more CE courses and he always learns everything he can about a product before buying something( He even reads all of the user manuels, I didn't know people even did that).
-He loves to serve! One of the first things that I noticed when we were dating, was that he loved to serve (especially his family). I remember being so impressed that he was so eager to help his family and his grandpa. He finds joy is serving! I am so grateful for wonderful parents who are such great examples of service.
-Ron is very selfless. I have learned so much from him and want to be as selfless to him as he is to me. I think the last 10 movies we have watched have been total chick flicks:) Another example is last Saturday Ron was really looking forward to watching the USC game and I really wanted to go to the Farmer's Market. I didn't think I would get to go, but he asked me if I wanted to go and he would go with me. We got home in time for the game, but the fact that he went with me made me feel so good.
-Ron is such a hard worker! I always thought I was a hard worker,but Ron puts me to shame when we start working together. He even goes all day without eating! I don't know how he does it. When Ron and I first got married and we were cleaning up our yard, I think he cut down like 22 trees in 3 days. He is not only a dentist, but he landscapes, he builds houses ( well, with Eric's help), and always has about 5 projects going at the same time. Here are some pictures of Ron and Eric remodeling the basement and some pictures of the end result.

- Ron is so talented! He is very good at racquetball, he is a great pianist, although he may not think this is a talent, he is wiz on the computer (well, on macs), and many many more things.

Well, these are a few things about Ron that I love. I can't wait until we have kids. He will be the best dad and he already is the best husband. Love you Ron!!!

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