Sunday, September 5, 2010

An amazing Day....

Yesterday, was such an awesome day! Ron and I went to the temple in the morning and did sealings and it was amazing! The spirit was so strong and I cannot wait until we can be sealed one day to our baby and be an eternal family. That will be an amazing day too!
This probably sounds cheesy, but I do not mean it to. Anyway, Ron and I met 3 years ago and I remember when we got married at the temple and looking at him and thinking that I couldn't love someone more. I am sure most newlyweds feel that way:) Yesterday, 3 years later, as I looked at Ron, there is a lot more depth, trust, and strength to our marriage. There are so many more reasons why I love him and as difficult as trials are, they have strengthened our marriage so much. When I looked at him yesterday, I thought about all the strength he has given me over our infertility and our desires to start our family, but I also thought of all the things we laugh about, all of our not so funny jokes, and all of our terrible impersonations. I love that we do not have a superficial relationship and I know as we have children and experience all of the happiness and difficulties that come with raising kids, there will be added depth and love to our marriage.
Anyway, after the temple, Ron and I went to the gym to play racquetball, ( well, I was going to attempt it, my foot was still hurting). Ron hit the ball about 10 times when the lights shut off. I didn't realize they were closing the gym early for Labor day. After that, we headed home and stopped at this little cute boutique ( Ron loved that) to buy a webkinz for my niece's bday and then headed home so we could get things done before the BYU game. I don't know what happened to me in the past couple of years, but I love watching college football. I actually know what is going one now! I think the best part of yesterday was just spending the whole day with my hubby!

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